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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Update July 6, 2016 On My Fight to Beat Alzheimer's

Update July 6, 2016
Its been a year since I started this blog. I have been lax in making blog entries again. I had two visits to Groton Wellness to see Vera Sacks and Irina Serebryakova, once on May 11 and again on June 28, 2016.

During my May visit Irina asked me to consider the benefits of amino acid therapy and gave me some info on it to read. I was already taking some amino acids at Vera's recommendation based on her exams before so I declined to do that therapy. She also showed me the Quicksilver detox therapy that I could try in lieu of or in conjunction with the Soluna therapy used by Vera. I didn't think I needed the Quicksilver mercury protocol since I had removed my mercury fillings a year earlier.

Vera had me switch to the Gemmotherapy instead of the Soluna therapy at the May visit. She prescribed Wine berry for bladder/intestines; Rosemary for liver and gall bladder; and Common Birch for detox of the kidney. I had been having problems getting anything from Soluna since it comes from Europe. I was still supposed to take Nux Vomica once per week, cell salts 4,6,8,11 three times daily, Rescue Remedy, L-tyrosine, L Glutamine, Zinc, manganese, Vitamin C, B6 and Selenium.

In the June 29, 2016 visit Irina gave me some things to test with Vera from Dr. Shade's Protocol for Mercury Removal – Level 2. I did not need his IMD or his Phosphatidyl Choline. What was needed was the Etheric Vitamin C w/R-LA. I had been taking the to much of the buffered sodium ascorbate which would give me diarrhea. This was liposomal so it absorbs in the mouth between cheek and gums.

Vera switched me back to the Soluna detox instead of the Gemmotherapy. I also was prescribed Matigen II by Soluna for hormone balance and also Pulmonic again for my lungs again. I also got Amalgatox for mercury detox and Ruta Gravelens (30C) for EMF radiation. She also recommended adding L-Glutathione for detox and HCL for digestion.

I will continue to add some links to my July 4, 2015 blog entry that comes to my attention from people like Tripp Micou. Thanks Tripp.

My sister in law told me that a new dentist out of Harvard Dental did not know that mercury amalgams were bad for people. They thought mercury from tuna was worse. I happened to find this link about mercury in tuna. https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/mercury-in-tuna-calculation-summary.pdf

We shouldn't eat more than 1 serving of tuna per week since one serving has 60 mcg of mercury in albacore tuna. Using Dr. Huggins testing of mercury release from amalgam of 150 mcg per day I was getting the equivalent of 2.5 servings of tuna mercury per day from each filling. I had eight fillings at one time so that means I was getting the equivalent of 20 tuna servings of mercury per day for N decades. That is just to give any readers an idea about how much mercury they are getting every day from a mercury dental filling.

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