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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Update on Beating Alzheimer's and My Other Health Issues


It has been a decade since my Younger Onset Alzheimer’s diagnosis and I am luckily still around and kicking. I stopped my blog because I was having non ALZ health issues. I had started losing weight in the spring of 2017 and knowing what diseases mercury from amalgam causes like cancer and heart disease I thought it might be cancer cachexia.

In my late twenties I weighed about 160-165. Then I got married and my daughter arrived I eventually dropped and stabilized to 150 pounds. I guess no more beer and junk food and chasing after a child reined in my weight. Six years later my son came and then my weight dropped and for two decades I had weighed about 140 pounds. Then over the course of six months I slowly dropped down to 121 pounds. As I started dropping I started researching cancer detection and alternative treatments to chemo and radiation since I didn’t think I could survive that type of treatment.

I should also list my other health issues I had at this time. Before the ALZ diagnosis I had seen an allergist for asthma. My estimated lung age after using his prescribed inhaler and rescue inhaler via breathing tests was greater than 99 years of age. This was when I was about 54 years old. When I was younger I had no asthma. In high school I used to train in Northern Style Preying Mantis kungfu for three years from14 to 17 years of age and had done other martial arts,, did gymnastics and later I did a lot of tennis, downhill skiiing, swimming and scuba diving, bowling and was occasionally ran races. It was only in later years that I believe I developed asthma due to breathing in all that mercury into my lungs. I stopped seeing my allergist since he really couldn’t do much for me. After the amalgam removal my lungs did improve to that of an 84 year old. My doctor said that I was an intelligent man and I should decide for myself if I should continue to see him for treatment since the inhalers still could not get be to an appropriate level for my age.

I also had diabetes insipidus which is the pituitary gland not telling the brain to create a particular hormone or the brain itself not able to create the hormone to control urination. I needed to urinate quite often. I had to see an endocrinologist who prescribed desmopressin for it and I had to get blood work done every three months to monitor side effects. After I reached 64 I stopped seeing the endocrinologist since my urination patterns were matching my peers and I didn’t want to take any more pills that required a three month blood work to verify things were OK.

I also was seeing an acupuncturist in 2013 to deal with neck issues and cognitive issues. I had seen a neurologist at Beth Israel hospital for neck pain. I had cervical kyphosis (neck reversing its normal curve), cervical stenosis (arthritis) and four bulging discs in my neck from decades of poor posture craning my neck looking too closely at monitors without the proper eye glasses and ergonomic conditions. The allergist nurse and my acupuncturist noticed that I had an irregular heart beat. Since I had to worry about ALZ, neck issues and now cancer I put these heart beat issues on the back burner (which in hind sight was incorrect). My voice had also gotten weaker at this time and I could not speak very loud or for very long.

My cancer research from “The Truth About Cancer” by Ty Bollinger and other books indicated I could do a test from the Efren Navarro clinic in the Philippines. This test showed my HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) was 52.2 on Sept 15, 2017 which indicated I may have cancer. Only pregnant woman are supposed to be able to make that much HCG. I then did a whole body thermography through Groton Wellness and the report indicated I had some hot spots in my neck area, a tiny bit in my left lung and a lot on my right side. I then went on a vegan diet (“The China Study” indicates that eating animal protein of any kind helps cancer grow). I then proceeded to do more research and started:

- the Budwig Protocol - Cottage cheese and flax seed oil and coffee enemas

- some of the Gerson Diet

Selenium supplements to kill cancer cells

Chromium supplements so cancer cells can’t repair their cells

Silica supplements so cancer can’t easily metastasize

Frankincense and Myrrh sublingually to fight cancer

Curcumin supplements

Quercetin supplements

Resveratrol supplements

Reishi Mushroom supplements

Rhodiola Rosea Root supplements

Beta Glucan Supplements

Manganese supplements

N Acetyl L Cysteine supplements

1 drop of Lugol solution in water in the morning

Far infrared sauna treatments along with apricot seeds (laetrile) so that body thinks it is fighting a fever and uses the laetrile

Using these treatments my HCG levels finally started coming down in 2018 and 2019. The ENT specialist I saw on 3/12/19 could not see anything on the inside of my throat but noticed that the throat opening was not as large as it should have been. In retrospect I might have had some thyroid cancer since my voice strength has improved a little. Finally by 10/4/2019 it went down to 49.8 which was the last time I was able to get a test result from them due to COVID. For reference, one should worry when the level is above 50. I know it is somewhat arbitrary and I prefer it were down to 5 miU/ml which I think normal is for men but it was enough change to be hopeful. In March of 2024 I took a pregnancy test and it showed not pregnant so I think my HCG should be at least below 30.

I am still vegan and I still take most of the supplements but I no longer do the FAR infrared sauna and apricot seeds nor Budwig or Gerson Diets. I also don’t do the frankincense and myrrh which tastes awful. I did stop the Quercetin supplement as well. I have too many things to take now. If I had room in my pill boxes I would take the Phosphatidylserine supplement for additional cognitive support but those are big pills that take up too much room and I am already taking lots of cognitive pills already.

A couple years ago, 4/12/22 I finally went to my primary care doctor and asked him to do an EKG to check out my irregular heartbeat which I had ignored for years. It turns out I had atrial fibrillation and he sent me to a cardiologist. My AFib is about 100% of the time I also have mitrol valve prolapse in my heart which has a medium level leak. If it gets to a severe leak then I need an operation. We tried electrical cardioversion to shock my heart back into rhythm but it only went back into rhythm for two days before going back to 100% in Afib. Now I am still on Eliquis and Diltiazem for my heart issues.

When I got the initial HCG reading in 9/2017 that indicated cancer I stopped the ALZ blogging because I didn’t want to get people depressed about having to worry about all the other health issues they could also be facing if they had amalgam fillings causing their ALZ. I know I also stopped doing the application coding courses. I finished one Dart and Flutter application writing course from Udemy and decided not to finish the other two similar courses. I thought it better to enjoy other things in life that retired people do like reading fiction and binging on Netflix and things of that nature. I stopped doing things to test or sharpen my cognitive abilities that weren’t fun. At night I just do Connections and Mini crossword from the NY Times with my wife. This year I did buy the Rosetta Stone language program so I can learn some other languages. Reading the subtitles in the anime on Crunchyroll or the Korean, Chinese and Japanese dramas on Netflix can get tiring. I like the Chinese dramas better since I can understand them sometimes without the subtitles.

I still go to the senior center and shoot pool in the senior 8 ball league. I spend time with the dog my daughter got us during COVID. I hope my update brings hope to any ALZ patients that many other health issues that the mercury from amalgams causes you can be overcome or at least can be controlled.

I am sorry I haven’t been around to moderate the comments. I stopped doing the homeopathic route to do chelation and went with the alpha lipoic acid every three hours for a couple days. I think I mentioned that in one of my earlier blog posts.

I will put down my supplement list from 7/30/23 which I gave to some doctors.


Current meds and supplements recommended by medical doctors Dr. Perez and Dr. Rapa, Dr. Liebermann, Dr. Blomberg, Vera Sacks and Irina Serebryakova both of Groton Wellness, “Hal Huggins Assist Report” and “Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing” by James F Balch M.D.and Phyllis A Balch C.N.C, “Awakening From Alzheimer's” by Peggy Sarlin and various other sources, “The Truth About Cancer” by Ty Bollinger, “Miracles from THE VAULT – Anthology of Underground Cures” by Jenny Thompson, “Natural Healing Encyclopedia” by Dr. Mark Stengler, “Cured - 81 Natural Cures for Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's and More” by Nutrition and Healing

Upon waking I would drink 30 oz of hydrogenated water along and 1 drop Lugol solution.

At most meals, I would try to eat mixture of rice, red or green lentils, carrots and celery cooked in a pressure cooker. Vegan diet.

Supplement brand list has changed over time but listing just the latest.

After almost finishing breakfast where that I would take my morning supplements:

    1. 6/10/22 Eliquis 5 mg prescribed by Dr Blomberg.

    2. 4/12/22 Diltiazem 120 mg prescribed by Dr. Liebermann

    3. 9/2012 SwansonvOmega 3 680 mg DHA/EPA for cognitive support

    4. 3/2013 Swanson Ubiquinol  100 mg (Kaneka QH Enhanced Bioactivity CoQ10) for energy

    5. 6/2014 Donepezil 10 mg for cognitive by Dr. Perez was switched in early March 2016 to Huperzine A 200 mcg at morning and again at afternoon or early evening.

    6. 9/2014 Swanson DMAE 250 mg (dimethylaminoethanol bitartrate) lowered to 130 mg for cognitive

    7. 9/2014 Swanson Acetyl L-Carnitine 500 mg to prevent oxidative damage in brain

    8. 12/20/2014 1.7 gm vitamin C (taken earlier) for immune system and detoxification. ( Stopped taking morning pill 5/23)

    9. 1/13/15 Swanson Vitamin E 200 IU changed to 268 mg daily (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) d-alpha tocopheral plus mixed tocopherols: d-beta, d-delta and d-gamma tocopherol) (8) (Irina and Vera and also recommended)

    10. 1/13/15 Swanson Pycnogenol 100 mg (French maritime pine bark extract) daily (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) for cognitive blood flow in brain.

    11. Swanson Phosphatildyl-choline 420 mg for cognitive changed 5/23 to 400 mg Lecethin and 95 mg Phosphatildyl-choline due to supply issues

    12. Swanson N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 600 mg to help boost production of glutathione for mercury detox and fight cancer.

    13. Swanson Vitamin K2 200 mcg lowered to 50 mcg to regulate where calcium ends up in body. (My own recommendation for heart palpitation after some research)

    14. Vitamin D3 125 mcg (Dr Rapa) and to fight cancer and fight calcium buildup with K2 in blood vessels.

    15. Vitamin B Complex (Vera Sacks)

    16. Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg for detox and brain function

    17. SAM-e (S-Adenosyl L-Methionine) 400 mg for Alzheimer's only sometimes

    18. Swanson Selenium 200 mcg for binding mercury and cause cancer apoptosis

    19. Swanson Curcumin Complex 700 mg for cancer

    20. Swanson Chromium Picolinate 200 mcg to stop cancer cells from repairing itself

    21. Beta glucan 250 mg for cancer

    22. Swanson Triple Magnesium Complex 400 mg anti-cancer switched to 678 mg magnesium L-Threonate for added brain health

    23. L-Arginine 500 mg for blood flow and ED

    24. Alpha GPC 300 mg for brain health

    25. Note: In Sept 2021 I stopped taking Desmopressin .1mg which was prescribed by Dr. Rapa with his approval for my treatment of diabetes insipidus since my urination frequency caught up with the peers of my age group.

    Additional supplements for cervical kyphosis, spondylosis, four bulging discs and general health needs:

    9/2012 Swanson 1 gram MSM

    9/2012 Swanson Joint Care Glucosomine Sulfate 333 mg, Chondroitin Sulfate 66 mg MSM 250 mg, Vit C,E, Manganese and Boron

    Swanson Hyaluronic acid 166 mg

PM Supplements and Meds history for Steven Chin

    1. 6/10/22 Eliquis 5 mg prescribed by Dr Blomberg

    2. 1/13/15 Unique Tocotrienols 125 mg lowered to 50 mg (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) (Irina and Vera and others recommended too) Want to take it different time as tocopherols since they interfere with tocotrienols absorption.

    3. 6/2014 Donepezil 10 mg for cognitive by Dr. Perez was switched in early March 2016 to Huperzine A 200 mcg at morning and again at afternoon or early evening.

    4. Swanson N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 600 mg to help boost production of glutathione.

    5. 2/20/2014 1.7 gm vitamin C (like taken earlier) for immune system and detoxification. (Stopped taking night time 5/2023)

    6. Swanson Selenium 200 mcg for binding mercury and cause cancer apoptosis

    7. World Silica 500 to prevent metastasis.

    8. Swanson curcumin Complex 350 mg for cancer

    9. Swanson Chromium Picolinate 200 mcg to stop cancer repair itself

    10. Beta glucan 250 mg for cancer

    11. Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg for detox and brain function

    12. Biotin 5000 mcg for hair, nails and something else.

    13. Resveratrol 250 mg for cancer

    14. Zinc Picolinate 22 mg for sleep and create melatonin and other reasons.

    15. Reishi Mushroom 500 mg for cancer

    16. Quercetin 475 mg for cancer (Stopped 2022)

    17. Luteolin complex 50 mg for brain health

    18. Manganese 10 mg (Vera Sacks) and Budwig Diet

    19. Rhodiola Rosea Root 400 mg for Alzheimer's and cancer

I had used the Budwig cottage cheese and flaxseed oil treatments from Budwig protocol but stopped in 2020