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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Update August 23, 2017 On My Fight to Beat Alzheimer's

I am doing better now on the Plant Paradox plan. My weight seems to have stabilized. I am on the low end of the normal range of BMI at 18.6. I do get to eat grass fed beef and pastured eggs so that helps. The mycoprotein by Quorn can get tiresome. At least the millet has lots of protein as well as carbs.

I wish to thank Alex Newell for his comments on Andrew Cutler's work on Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) as a chelator. I stopped taking my 600 mg twice per day and did a three day 100 mg every three hours (including at night) so that I would have a constant level and not have the ALA drop its binding to the mercury somewhere and cause problems elsewhere.  Since I was at 600 mg twice daily, I thought the 100 mg every three hours should be low dose for me and I wouldn't have to start as low as he indicated.  I should check my comments more often. I found a lot of info on line about Andrew Cutler's protocol. I should try to buy his “Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment” book. I will do another three day ALA cycle next week.  I will try to update the July 4, 2015 entry with some of the links I found on his detox protocol.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Update August 1, 2017 On My Fight to Beat Alzheimer's

After trying to go vegan for a while I determined that something was wrong because I was losing too much weight and having loose stools and gas. I think my wife heard about this book “The Plant Paradox” by Steven Gundry MD and so I researched it and ordered the book. It is a good book that goes beyond “The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell so it may show me why I do not feel as well as I should.

I did not know about lectin proteins before and how plants use this protein to protect themselves and how GMO fruits and vegetables are engineered to have more lectin as well as be resistant to pesticides. When I tried to go vegan I was getting more lectin and not cooking beans and lentils in the pressure cooker to break down the lectins causing me further health issues as well as losing weight.

The Plant Paradox plan allows me to eat some wild caught fish and some eggs even though it may cause slightly more risk for cancer. The biggest thing is that there are Yes lists and No lists and it is important not to eat the things on the no list. I was already off meats but now adding things like all breads, oats, peanuts, cashews, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and the list goes on. I have to limit most of my fruits except for avocado.

The things he talked about in the book were backed up by studies and cases from his patients. I just finished the phase 1 three day cleanse and am now starting the six week phase two part of the plan. I will try to keep you apprised of my health progress on this plan.