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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Update Jan. 12, 2017 On My Fight to Beat Alzheimer's

I have been remiss in updating my blog again. I am so sorry, I wanted to wait until I had enough to say. I saw Vera Sacks at Groton Wellness again December 13, 2016 and she made some tweaks to my regimen. She changed some and deleted some things from the list to take. I stopped the Soluna detoxification program and started doing Gemmotherapy for heart issues. I guess calcium maybe causing problems again. I will provide my full updated regimen from everybody later.

I completed my physical therapy for my plantar fasciitis. I am at about 85% recovered and need to continue to do the PT myself. I also stopped seeing Helen Lui the reflexologist after five treatments. Both were helpful in treating my plantar fasciitis.

Cognitively I am still doing fine. I am still doing Brain Age, reading and doing the occasional Mandarin lesson though my son says my pronunciation isn't quite right. I've managed to win a 9 ball tournament and came in 2nd in an 8 ball tournament.

Here is the updated med and supplements list. There were some changes to the amino acids and drops.
Current meds and supplements recommended by medical doctors, Vera Sacks and Irina Serebryakova both of Groton Wellness, “Hal Huggins Assist Report” and “Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing” by James F Balch M.D.and Phyllis A Balch C.N.C and various other sources, Dr. Perez and Dr. Rapa.
  1. Vera Sacks prescribed the following (as part of 2 times per day, upon rising, early evening at least 30 minutes before meals)
    - Gemmotherapy English Hawthorn for heart issues: 25 drops
    • Gemmotherapy Wineberry for Bladder and GI: 25 drops
    • Gemmotherapy Common Juniper for Kidney/Liver: 25 drops
    • Gemmotherapy Lime Tree for nervous system: 25 drops
    Take the #3, #4, #6, and #8, 11 cell salts three times a day between meals. See this article on cell salt remedies http://www.brighterdayfoods.com/PDFDocs/l/LR72WHCKJQ1V9LTGKT8CGWX7TM5B1NP5.PDF
    - 5-10 Pills Hyland's #6 Kali Phos, 6x homeopathic cell salts for stress, simple nervous tension, headaches
    - 5-10 Pills Hyland's #8 Magnesium Phos, 6x homeopathic cell salts for muscle cramps and pains
    - 5-10 Pills Hyland's #3 Calc Sulph 30x cell salts for Colds, sore throat, Acne
    - 5-10 Pills Hyland's #4 Ferrum Phos 6x cell salts for Fever, Minor swelling, Colds
    - 5-10 Pills Hyland's #11 Nat Sulph 30x for Flu Symptoms, Nausea, Vomiting

Nat Sulph 30c 3 tabs once per day for two weeks for head congestion
Rescue Remedy 2 drops in water 4-5 times day.

At breakfast, I would try to mix 1 TB of coconut oil into my cereal or rice. I would do so again sometimes at afternoon snack or dinner to get medium chain triglycerides (MCT) to allow brain to use ketones instead of glucose for metabolic functions as according to “Stop Alzheimers Now” by Bruce Fife and “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin (5) 11/2014

After almost finishing breakfast where that I would take my morning supplements:
    1. 9/2012 Swanson Super DHA from Calamari, (DHA 500 mg EPA 125 mg, 50 mg other Omega 3 Fatty acids) or Swanson Super EPA from ecOmega Fish Oil 300 mg EPA, 200 mg DHA, 50 mg other fatty acids) for cognitive
    2. 3/2013 Swanson Ubiquinol  100 mg (Kaneka QH Enhanced Bioactivity CoQ10) has been switched to Jarrow Ubiquinol QH-absorb100 mg for energy
    3. 6/2014 Donepezil 10 mg for cognitive by Dr. Perez was switched in early March 2016 to Huperzine A 200 mcg at morning and again at afternoon or early evening.
    4. 9/2014 Swanson DMAE 250 mg (dimethylaminoethanol bitartrate) for cognitive
    5. 9/2014 Swanson Acetyl L-Carnitine 500 mg to prevent oxidative damage in brain
    6. 12/20/2014 Matrix 1000 mg Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Plus 150 mg Rose Hips (4, 8) has been switched to one Swanson Acerola 500 mg at breakfast and dinner. I am taking so many pills I had to cut down on vitamin C.
    7. 12/20/2014 Matrix Eaters digest – 130 mg Betaine HCI, 130 mg L-Glutamic acid, 65 mg Amylase, 65 mg Pepsin NF, 32 mg Ox Bile Extract, 32 mg Pancreatin 4X, 32 mg Papain NF has been replaced with Swanson Betaine HCL caps (Betaine hydrochloride 325 mg, Pepsin 1:3000 82 mg) for digestion.
    8. 1/13/15 Swanson Vitamin E 100 – 800 IU daily (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) d-alpha tocopheral plus mixed tocopherols: d-beta, d-delta and d-gamma tocopherol) (8) switched to Swanson Full Spectrum E with Tocotrienols (Irina and Vera and also recommended)
    9. 1/13/15 Swanson Pycnogenol 100 mg (French maritime pine bark extract) daily (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) for cognitive blood flow in brain.
    10. 1/13/15 Eat 1-2 eggs daily to get enough phosphatildylserine but also add Swanson 300 mg phosphatildylserine (from Sharp PS 28D soybean phospholipid in a proprietary mixture of sunflower oil and MCT oil) for cognitive
    11. Swanson Phosphatildyl-choline 420 mg for cognitive
    12. Swanson Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg (Irina Serebryakova recommended for detox)
    13. Swanson AjiPure N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine to help boost production of glutathione. I had been taking this since early November but did not notice I had not included in the list. When they stopped manufacturing it I ordered L-Cysteine instead of NAC from another manufacturer by mistake so next week I will be using L-cysteine and hoping enough gets converted to NAC for glutathione production.
    14. Swanson AjiPure L-Glutamine pharma grade 500 mg (Vera Sacks recommended for mineral/vitamin/amino acid balance) I am supposed to take 3 times a day but only do twice per day.
    15. Swanson AjiPure L-Tyrosine pharma grade 500 mg ( Vera Sacks recommended for mineral/vitamin/amino acid balance) I am supposed to take 3 times a day but only do twice per day.
    16. Swanson Zinc Orotate 10 mg
    17. Swanson Chromium Picolinate 200 mcg
    18. Swanson Vitamin K2 200 mcg to regulate where calcium ends up in body. (My own recommendation)

    Additional supplements for cervical spondylosis, bulging discs and general health needs:
    9/2012 Swanson 1 gram MSM
    9/2012 Swanson Glucosamine-Chondroitin, MSM Glucosomine Sulfate 500 mg, Chondroitin Sulfate 400 mg MSM 200 mg

Afternoon drops and cell salts as prescribed by Vera Sacks.

  1. PM Supplements and Meds history for Steven Chin
  2. 7/2014 Swanson Super DHA from Calamari, (DHA 500 mg EPA 125 mg, 50 mg other Omega 3 Fatty acids) or Swanson Super EPA from ecOmega Fish Oil 300 mg EPA, 200 mg DHA, 50 mg other fatty acids)
  3. 3/2013 Swanson Ubiquinol  100 mg (Kaneka QH Enhanced Bioactivity CoQ10) has been switched to Jarrow Ubiquinol QH-absorb100 mg
  4. 12/20/2014 Matrix 1000 mg Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Plus 150 mg Rose Hips (4, 8) has been switched to two Swanson Acerola 500 mg.
  5. 1/13/15 Swanson Vitamin E 100 – 800 IU daily (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) d-alpha tocopheral plus mixed tocopherols: d-beta, d-delta and d-gamma tocopherol) (8) switched to to Swanson Full Spectrum E with Tocotrienols (Irina and Vera and others recommended)
  6. Swanson Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg (Irina Serebryakova recommended for detox)
  7. Swanson L-Glutamine 500 mg (Vera Sacks recommended for mineral/vitamin/amino acid balance) I am supposed to take 3 times a day but only do twice per day.
  8. Swanson AjiPure L-Tyrosine pharma grade 500 mg ( Vera Sacks recommended for mineral/vitamin/amino acid balance) I am supposed to take 3 times a day but only do twice per day.
  9. Desmopressin .1 mg Dr. Rapa for diabetes insipidus at night and .05 mg during day.
  10. Swanson Borage Oil 1000 mg. Supposed to take twice per day but I only do one per day
  11. Swanson Flaxseed Oil 1000 mg. Supposed to take twice per day but I only do one per day
  12. Swanson Selenium 200 mcg
  13. 12/2014 Sleep aid or Swanson 3 mg melatonin before bedtime.
  14. Vera recommends I also take some digestive enzymes and Betaine HCL with meals for better digestion.