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Thursday, January 23, 2025

 Hi all,

On Jan 8, 2025 I started watching a three day free screenings of a course on Microbiome from goodnesslover.com.  I liked it and purchased it after watching the whole course.  I thought it was worthwhile.  There was one point where they mentioned that a person with Alzheimer's was cured after they did a fecal transplant from his spouse to his own colon.  This was so he could re-populate his gut microbiome with some of the healthy spouse's bacteria so that his gut could work properly again.  Fecal transplants are not FDA approved so they did fecal analysis of the spouses microbiome to make sure no bad stuff in it before they did it themselves.

On Jan 16, 2025 I started watching a new three day free screening of the Gut-Immune Solution course and in episode six I watch them talk about how inflammation in the brain can come from head impacts, concussion, brain injury and also peripheral activation.  This peripheral activation is from leaky gut, chemical exposure, infection that crosses blood brain barrier and so forth.  I don't want to explain it all here since I don't want to infringe upon what the doctor's said in the course but it creates microglial activation.  This will eventually cause a domino effect and eventually lead to dementia, ALZ or Parkinson's.  By following a mostly plant based diet people could fix their gut microbiome and reverse their dementia just like that doctor who reversed her lupus.

I responded to some people on alzconnected.org who had also been diagnosed with Younger Onset ALZ to provide them my blog address so they could follow my journey if they had mercury amalgam fillings.  I also provided them the link to the free episodes so they could watch.  I don't know if they were able to watch or not.  I logged on today and found out that ALZ.org as banned my account.  I know that the organization does not really want anyone to know about any non pharmaceutical treatments for ALZ since they are geared and paid to only look for drugs to help ALZ patients. 

Nine years ago when I brought a copy of "Beating Alzheimer's" by Tom Warren to a meeting with other Younger Onset ALZ patients and their spouses, an ALZ.org representative said that I was not permitted to bring any books like that to any meetings.  ALZ is supposed to be incurable in their opinion and I wasn't allowed to disseminate anything contrary to a drug treatment.  You have to understand that in 2012 the CEO of ALZ.org had made the list of highest paid not profit CEOs that year.  His salary was equal to about the same amount that ALZ.org contributed towards research that year.  After his and his other directors salary was exposed, the following year they all took a pay cut so as to not be outrageously high to make the list again.  They seem to want to be around for a long time to collect big paychecks while spending only some amount of money raised to look for a drug cure instead of disseminating treatments that might help many of the ALZ patients that have helped others.

Anyways in case some of those people I responded to last week were able to check out my blog entry from 7/4/2015 I updated that blog entry to delete any old links that no longer work and added one new one to Andy Cutler's mercury detox protocol.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Update on Beating Alzheimer's and My Other Health Issues


It has been a decade since my Younger Onset Alzheimer’s diagnosis and I am luckily still around and kicking. I stopped my blog because I was having non ALZ health issues. I had started losing weight in the spring of 2017 and knowing what diseases mercury from amalgam causes like cancer and heart disease I thought it might be cancer cachexia.

In my late twenties I weighed about 160-165. Then I got married and my daughter arrived I eventually dropped and stabilized to 150 pounds. I guess no more beer and junk food and chasing after a child reined in my weight. Six years later my son came and then my weight dropped and for two decades I had weighed about 140 pounds. Then over the course of six months I slowly dropped down to 121 pounds. As I started dropping I started researching cancer detection and alternative treatments to chemo and radiation since I didn’t think I could survive that type of treatment.

I should also list my other health issues I had at this time. Before the ALZ diagnosis I had seen an allergist for asthma. My estimated lung age after using his prescribed inhaler and rescue inhaler via breathing tests was greater than 99 years of age. This was when I was about 54 years old. When I was younger I had no asthma. In high school I used to train in Northern Style Preying Mantis kungfu for three years from14 to 17 years of age and had done other martial arts,, did gymnastics and later I did a lot of tennis, downhill skiiing, swimming and scuba diving, bowling and was occasionally ran races. It was only in later years that I believe I developed asthma due to breathing in all that mercury into my lungs. I stopped seeing my allergist since he really couldn’t do much for me. After the amalgam removal my lungs did improve to that of an 84 year old. My doctor said that I was an intelligent man and I should decide for myself if I should continue to see him for treatment since the inhalers still could not get be to an appropriate level for my age.

I also had diabetes insipidus which is the pituitary gland not telling the brain to create a particular hormone or the brain itself not able to create the hormone to control urination. I needed to urinate quite often. I had to see an endocrinologist who prescribed desmopressin for it and I had to get blood work done every three months to monitor side effects. After I reached 64 I stopped seeing the endocrinologist since my urination patterns were matching my peers and I didn’t want to take any more pills that required a three month blood work to verify things were OK.

I also was seeing an acupuncturist in 2013 to deal with neck issues and cognitive issues. I had seen a neurologist at Beth Israel hospital for neck pain. I had cervical kyphosis (neck reversing its normal curve), cervical stenosis (arthritis) and four bulging discs in my neck from decades of poor posture craning my neck looking too closely at monitors without the proper eye glasses and ergonomic conditions. The allergist nurse and my acupuncturist noticed that I had an irregular heart beat. Since I had to worry about ALZ, neck issues and now cancer I put these heart beat issues on the back burner (which in hind sight was incorrect). My voice had also gotten weaker at this time and I could not speak very loud or for very long.

My cancer research from “The Truth About Cancer” by Ty Bollinger and other books indicated I could do a test from the Efren Navarro clinic in the Philippines. This test showed my HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) was 52.2 on Sept 15, 2017 which indicated I may have cancer. Only pregnant woman are supposed to be able to make that much HCG. I then did a whole body thermography through Groton Wellness and the report indicated I had some hot spots in my neck area, a tiny bit in my left lung and a lot on my right side. I then went on a vegan diet (“The China Study” indicates that eating animal protein of any kind helps cancer grow). I then proceeded to do more research and started:

- the Budwig Protocol - Cottage cheese and flax seed oil and coffee enemas

- some of the Gerson Diet

Selenium supplements to kill cancer cells

Chromium supplements so cancer cells can’t repair their cells

Silica supplements so cancer can’t easily metastasize

Frankincense and Myrrh sublingually to fight cancer

Curcumin supplements

Quercetin supplements

Resveratrol supplements

Reishi Mushroom supplements

Rhodiola Rosea Root supplements

Beta Glucan Supplements

Manganese supplements

N Acetyl L Cysteine supplements

1 drop of Lugol solution in water in the morning

Far infrared sauna treatments along with apricot seeds (laetrile) so that body thinks it is fighting a fever and uses the laetrile

Using these treatments my HCG levels finally started coming down in 2018 and 2019. The ENT specialist I saw on 3/12/19 could not see anything on the inside of my throat but noticed that the throat opening was not as large as it should have been. In retrospect I might have had some thyroid cancer since my voice strength has improved a little. Finally by 10/4/2019 it went down to 49.8 which was the last time I was able to get a test result from them due to COVID. For reference, one should worry when the level is above 50. I know it is somewhat arbitrary and I prefer it were down to 5 miU/ml which I think normal is for men but it was enough change to be hopeful. In March of 2024 I took a pregnancy test and it showed not pregnant so I think my HCG should be at least below 30.

I am still vegan and I still take most of the supplements but I no longer do the FAR infrared sauna and apricot seeds nor Budwig or Gerson Diets. I also don’t do the frankincense and myrrh which tastes awful. I did stop the Quercetin supplement as well. I have too many things to take now. If I had room in my pill boxes I would take the Phosphatidylserine supplement for additional cognitive support but those are big pills that take up too much room and I am already taking lots of cognitive pills already.

A couple years ago, 4/12/22 I finally went to my primary care doctor and asked him to do an EKG to check out my irregular heartbeat which I had ignored for years. It turns out I had atrial fibrillation and he sent me to a cardiologist. My AFib is about 100% of the time I also have mitrol valve prolapse in my heart which has a medium level leak. If it gets to a severe leak then I need an operation. We tried electrical cardioversion to shock my heart back into rhythm but it only went back into rhythm for two days before going back to 100% in Afib. Now I am still on Eliquis and Diltiazem for my heart issues.

When I got the initial HCG reading in 9/2017 that indicated cancer I stopped the ALZ blogging because I didn’t want to get people depressed about having to worry about all the other health issues they could also be facing if they had amalgam fillings causing their ALZ. I know I also stopped doing the application coding courses. I finished one Dart and Flutter application writing course from Udemy and decided not to finish the other two similar courses. I thought it better to enjoy other things in life that retired people do like reading fiction and binging on Netflix and things of that nature. I stopped doing things to test or sharpen my cognitive abilities that weren’t fun. At night I just do Connections and Mini crossword from the NY Times with my wife. This year I did buy the Rosetta Stone language program so I can learn some other languages. Reading the subtitles in the anime on Crunchyroll or the Korean, Chinese and Japanese dramas on Netflix can get tiring. I like the Chinese dramas better since I can understand them sometimes without the subtitles.

I still go to the senior center and shoot pool in the senior 8 ball league. I spend time with the dog my daughter got us during COVID. I hope my update brings hope to any ALZ patients that many other health issues that the mercury from amalgams causes you can be overcome or at least can be controlled.

I am sorry I haven’t been around to moderate the comments. I stopped doing the homeopathic route to do chelation and went with the alpha lipoic acid every three hours for a couple days. I think I mentioned that in one of my earlier blog posts.

I will put down my supplement list from 7/30/23 which I gave to some doctors.


Current meds and supplements recommended by medical doctors Dr. Perez and Dr. Rapa, Dr. Liebermann, Dr. Blomberg, Vera Sacks and Irina Serebryakova both of Groton Wellness, “Hal Huggins Assist Report” and “Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing” by James F Balch M.D.and Phyllis A Balch C.N.C, “Awakening From Alzheimer's” by Peggy Sarlin and various other sources, “The Truth About Cancer” by Ty Bollinger, “Miracles from THE VAULT – Anthology of Underground Cures” by Jenny Thompson, “Natural Healing Encyclopedia” by Dr. Mark Stengler, “Cured - 81 Natural Cures for Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's and More” by Nutrition and Healing

Upon waking I would drink 30 oz of hydrogenated water along and 1 drop Lugol solution.

At most meals, I would try to eat mixture of rice, red or green lentils, carrots and celery cooked in a pressure cooker. Vegan diet.

Supplement brand list has changed over time but listing just the latest.

After almost finishing breakfast where that I would take my morning supplements:

    1. 6/10/22 Eliquis 5 mg prescribed by Dr Blomberg.

    2. 4/12/22 Diltiazem 120 mg prescribed by Dr. Liebermann

    3. 9/2012 SwansonvOmega 3 680 mg DHA/EPA for cognitive support

    4. 3/2013 Swanson Ubiquinol  100 mg (Kaneka QH Enhanced Bioactivity CoQ10) for energy

    5. 6/2014 Donepezil 10 mg for cognitive by Dr. Perez was switched in early March 2016 to Huperzine A 200 mcg at morning and again at afternoon or early evening.

    6. 9/2014 Swanson DMAE 250 mg (dimethylaminoethanol bitartrate) lowered to 130 mg for cognitive

    7. 9/2014 Swanson Acetyl L-Carnitine 500 mg to prevent oxidative damage in brain

    8. 12/20/2014 1.7 gm vitamin C (taken earlier) for immune system and detoxification. ( Stopped taking morning pill 5/23)

    9. 1/13/15 Swanson Vitamin E 200 IU changed to 268 mg daily (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) d-alpha tocopheral plus mixed tocopherols: d-beta, d-delta and d-gamma tocopherol) (8) (Irina and Vera and also recommended)

    10. 1/13/15 Swanson Pycnogenol 100 mg (French maritime pine bark extract) daily (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) for cognitive blood flow in brain.

    11. Swanson Phosphatildyl-choline 420 mg for cognitive changed 5/23 to 400 mg Lecethin and 95 mg Phosphatildyl-choline due to supply issues

    12. Swanson N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 600 mg to help boost production of glutathione for mercury detox and fight cancer.

    13. Swanson Vitamin K2 200 mcg lowered to 50 mcg to regulate where calcium ends up in body. (My own recommendation for heart palpitation after some research)

    14. Vitamin D3 125 mcg (Dr Rapa) and to fight cancer and fight calcium buildup with K2 in blood vessels.

    15. Vitamin B Complex (Vera Sacks)

    16. Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg for detox and brain function

    17. SAM-e (S-Adenosyl L-Methionine) 400 mg for Alzheimer's only sometimes

    18. Swanson Selenium 200 mcg for binding mercury and cause cancer apoptosis

    19. Swanson Curcumin Complex 700 mg for cancer

    20. Swanson Chromium Picolinate 200 mcg to stop cancer cells from repairing itself

    21. Beta glucan 250 mg for cancer

    22. Swanson Triple Magnesium Complex 400 mg anti-cancer switched to 678 mg magnesium L-Threonate for added brain health

    23. L-Arginine 500 mg for blood flow and ED

    24. Alpha GPC 300 mg for brain health

    25. Note: In Sept 2021 I stopped taking Desmopressin .1mg which was prescribed by Dr. Rapa with his approval for my treatment of diabetes insipidus since my urination frequency caught up with the peers of my age group.

    Additional supplements for cervical kyphosis, spondylosis, four bulging discs and general health needs:

    9/2012 Swanson 1 gram MSM

    9/2012 Swanson Joint Care Glucosomine Sulfate 333 mg, Chondroitin Sulfate 66 mg MSM 250 mg, Vit C,E, Manganese and Boron

    Swanson Hyaluronic acid 166 mg

PM Supplements and Meds history for Steven Chin

    1. 6/10/22 Eliquis 5 mg prescribed by Dr Blomberg

    2. 1/13/15 Unique Tocotrienols 125 mg lowered to 50 mg (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) (Irina and Vera and others recommended too) Want to take it different time as tocopherols since they interfere with tocotrienols absorption.

    3. 6/2014 Donepezil 10 mg for cognitive by Dr. Perez was switched in early March 2016 to Huperzine A 200 mcg at morning and again at afternoon or early evening.

    4. Swanson N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine 600 mg to help boost production of glutathione.

    5. 2/20/2014 1.7 gm vitamin C (like taken earlier) for immune system and detoxification. (Stopped taking night time 5/2023)

    6. Swanson Selenium 200 mcg for binding mercury and cause cancer apoptosis

    7. World Silica 500 to prevent metastasis.

    8. Swanson curcumin Complex 350 mg for cancer

    9. Swanson Chromium Picolinate 200 mcg to stop cancer repair itself

    10. Beta glucan 250 mg for cancer

    11. Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg for detox and brain function

    12. Biotin 5000 mcg for hair, nails and something else.

    13. Resveratrol 250 mg for cancer

    14. Zinc Picolinate 22 mg for sleep and create melatonin and other reasons.

    15. Reishi Mushroom 500 mg for cancer

    16. Quercetin 475 mg for cancer (Stopped 2022)

    17. Luteolin complex 50 mg for brain health

    18. Manganese 10 mg (Vera Sacks) and Budwig Diet

    19. Rhodiola Rosea Root 400 mg for Alzheimer's and cancer

I had used the Budwig cottage cheese and flaxseed oil treatments from Budwig protocol but stopped in 2020

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Update August 23, 2017 On My Fight to Beat Alzheimer's

I am doing better now on the Plant Paradox plan. My weight seems to have stabilized. I am on the low end of the normal range of BMI at 18.6. I do get to eat grass fed beef and pastured eggs so that helps. The mycoprotein by Quorn can get tiresome. At least the millet has lots of protein as well as carbs.

I wish to thank Alex Newell for his comments on Andrew Cutler's work on Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) as a chelator. I stopped taking my 600 mg twice per day and did a three day 100 mg every three hours (including at night) so that I would have a constant level and not have the ALA drop its binding to the mercury somewhere and cause problems elsewhere.  Since I was at 600 mg twice daily, I thought the 100 mg every three hours should be low dose for me and I wouldn't have to start as low as he indicated.  I should check my comments more often. I found a lot of info on line about Andrew Cutler's protocol. I should try to buy his “Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment” book. I will do another three day ALA cycle next week.  I will try to update the July 4, 2015 entry with some of the links I found on his detox protocol.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Update August 1, 2017 On My Fight to Beat Alzheimer's

After trying to go vegan for a while I determined that something was wrong because I was losing too much weight and having loose stools and gas. I think my wife heard about this book “The Plant Paradox” by Steven Gundry MD and so I researched it and ordered the book. It is a good book that goes beyond “The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell so it may show me why I do not feel as well as I should.

I did not know about lectin proteins before and how plants use this protein to protect themselves and how GMO fruits and vegetables are engineered to have more lectin as well as be resistant to pesticides. When I tried to go vegan I was getting more lectin and not cooking beans and lentils in the pressure cooker to break down the lectins causing me further health issues as well as losing weight.

The Plant Paradox plan allows me to eat some wild caught fish and some eggs even though it may cause slightly more risk for cancer. The biggest thing is that there are Yes lists and No lists and it is important not to eat the things on the no list. I was already off meats but now adding things like all breads, oats, peanuts, cashews, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and the list goes on. I have to limit most of my fruits except for avocado.

The things he talked about in the book were backed up by studies and cases from his patients. I just finished the phase 1 three day cleanse and am now starting the six week phase two part of the plan. I will try to keep you apprised of my health progress on this plan.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Update June 17, 2017 On My Fight to Beat Alzheimer's

Sorry for the lack if updates. I was planning to read Swift 3.0 and start that Udemy programming course but someone loaned my wife a book for us to read called “The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas Campbell. It is about eating animal proteins being shown to promote cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis macular degeneration and other diseases of affluence. I got some other books from the library “The China Study Cookbook” by Leanne Campbell and “The China Study Quick and Easy Cookbook” by Del Sroufe and my wife and I are starting to try to go vegan. More so me than my wife really but she is very supportive.

Going vegan involves a lot of organic vegetable shopping, more planning and eating lots of beans and legumes. I also read the book “Power Foods for the Brain” by Neal D Barnard. It reiterates the idea of eating a whole food, plant based diet and avoiding toxic things in the environment. It also talks about doing mental and physical exercises, things I already knew about. Going vegan I lost some weight which I didn't want to do and I now have to add vitamin B12 to my daily regimen.

I also watched a video series “The Truth about Cancer: A Global Quest” by Ty M. Bollinger and then got his book from the library “The Truth about Cancer”. That was eye opening, a must read for all. Since mercury is a well known carcinogen and I have had and still have a lot of mercury in me, I thought I should read it and find out about the many alternative methods of cancer treatments that work and don't cause harm like chemo, radiation or surgery.

In the pool league our team came in second. I also did very well. It was a great improvement in the standings for our team.

Now that I have a little better handle on going vegan, maybe I can start reading the Swift 3.0 book again and start that Udemy course.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Update April 5, 2017 On My Fight to Beat Alzheimer's

A lot has happened since my last update. I had two more appointments with Vera Sacks at Groton Wellness. The first appointment she had me do some more Gemmotherapy. I wasn't sure if it was causing me some rashes so I stopped that. Now I am on more cell salts, 3,4,6,8,10 and 11 and some Ruta Grav 30c. Seems to be some issues with my pancreas and thyroid. Her diagnosis seems to corroborate what I had seen a few weeks before my appointment. I am also supposed to take some other things which she is going to have shipped to me.

I was sick for a few weeks, thought it was a type of flu or cold. Sore throat and fever for a couple of days and a couple weeks of minor cough. My temperature was also low 96.9 for much of the day for several days indicating possible hypothyroidism. I hadn't checked my temp after that.

My hair analysis came back. The cobalt levels were high and some ratios off. It indicated a slow metabolism: Parasympathetic Dominant, and tendency toward decreased thyroid and adrenal function. The report indicated some dietary suggestions. I was also to start taking some supplements, some that I had stopped taking months ago. I was supposed to add some Adrenal assist, HCL Plus, Biotin,selenium, manganese, L-tyrosine and L-glutamine. I have to order some of them.

My Tri-test came back from Quicksilver Scientific too. I will add it to the blog along with the previous one. My blood mercury level decreased but it is still much higher than the CDC average. It went down to 1.2 from 1.4 at my previous test 9 months earlier. My urine test shows my liver and kidney has more mercury than before so is working well to remove it.
Prior to my two Tri-tests which came after amalgam removal and some detoxification, my blood mercury test from Metrowest Medical Center was 8.5 ug/L on 9/22/2014. ug/L is same as ng/mL so you see a huge difference before and after amalgam removal. Detox is really slow.

Latest result:

I read a book recommended by my reflexologist called “Medical Medium” by Anthony William which happened to corroborate that Alzheimer's is caused by mercury. I am going to augment my detoxification diet with the barley juice powder, spirulina, dulse, cilantro, and wild blueberries. I am also going to switch my DHA and EPA from calamari to plant based since there is as much mercury in calamari as there is in salmon.

My pool has gotten better. The 8 ball seniors league started up again and we are tied for first at 4 and 1. My personal record is 12 and 3. I missed a week due to being sick. We are up against a tough team tomorrow. Hopefully our team does well.

I have started reading Swift 3.0 and will do a Udemy programming course on IOS 10 and Swift. I determined that the Oracle Middleware and Java solution was not the way to go for doing apps. It was too heavy. The Appcelerator Platform using Java was also not for me since it was Java based and MCI and Alzheimer's patients need to do learn something new. The platform itself wasn't a bad solution. I had investigated Rhodes and RhoMobile Suite using the Ruby language but I didn't like the licensing model . While it is possible to create a mobile app with just Rhodes and RhoStudio, most of the good stuff would probably require subscription level licenses and talking to a Ruby on Rails server side and using RhoElements. I did like the Ruby language better than Java. It was simpler, akin to Perl, but with OO capabilities.

Lets see if I can still program and have recovered enough to do what the high school kids can do like make an app.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Update Jan. 12, 2017 On My Fight to Beat Alzheimer's

I have been remiss in updating my blog again. I am so sorry, I wanted to wait until I had enough to say. I saw Vera Sacks at Groton Wellness again December 13, 2016 and she made some tweaks to my regimen. She changed some and deleted some things from the list to take. I stopped the Soluna detoxification program and started doing Gemmotherapy for heart issues. I guess calcium maybe causing problems again. I will provide my full updated regimen from everybody later.

I completed my physical therapy for my plantar fasciitis. I am at about 85% recovered and need to continue to do the PT myself. I also stopped seeing Helen Lui the reflexologist after five treatments. Both were helpful in treating my plantar fasciitis.

Cognitively I am still doing fine. I am still doing Brain Age, reading and doing the occasional Mandarin lesson though my son says my pronunciation isn't quite right. I've managed to win a 9 ball tournament and came in 2nd in an 8 ball tournament.

Here is the updated med and supplements list. There were some changes to the amino acids and drops.
Current meds and supplements recommended by medical doctors, Vera Sacks and Irina Serebryakova both of Groton Wellness, “Hal Huggins Assist Report” and “Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing” by James F Balch M.D.and Phyllis A Balch C.N.C and various other sources, Dr. Perez and Dr. Rapa.
  1. Vera Sacks prescribed the following (as part of 2 times per day, upon rising, early evening at least 30 minutes before meals)
    - Gemmotherapy English Hawthorn for heart issues: 25 drops
    • Gemmotherapy Wineberry for Bladder and GI: 25 drops
    • Gemmotherapy Common Juniper for Kidney/Liver: 25 drops
    • Gemmotherapy Lime Tree for nervous system: 25 drops
    Take the #3, #4, #6, and #8, 11 cell salts three times a day between meals. See this article on cell salt remedies http://www.brighterdayfoods.com/PDFDocs/l/LR72WHCKJQ1V9LTGKT8CGWX7TM5B1NP5.PDF
    - 5-10 Pills Hyland's #6 Kali Phos, 6x homeopathic cell salts for stress, simple nervous tension, headaches
    - 5-10 Pills Hyland's #8 Magnesium Phos, 6x homeopathic cell salts for muscle cramps and pains
    - 5-10 Pills Hyland's #3 Calc Sulph 30x cell salts for Colds, sore throat, Acne
    - 5-10 Pills Hyland's #4 Ferrum Phos 6x cell salts for Fever, Minor swelling, Colds
    - 5-10 Pills Hyland's #11 Nat Sulph 30x for Flu Symptoms, Nausea, Vomiting

Nat Sulph 30c 3 tabs once per day for two weeks for head congestion
Rescue Remedy 2 drops in water 4-5 times day.

At breakfast, I would try to mix 1 TB of coconut oil into my cereal or rice. I would do so again sometimes at afternoon snack or dinner to get medium chain triglycerides (MCT) to allow brain to use ketones instead of glucose for metabolic functions as according to “Stop Alzheimers Now” by Bruce Fife and “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin (5) 11/2014

After almost finishing breakfast where that I would take my morning supplements:
    1. 9/2012 Swanson Super DHA from Calamari, (DHA 500 mg EPA 125 mg, 50 mg other Omega 3 Fatty acids) or Swanson Super EPA from ecOmega Fish Oil 300 mg EPA, 200 mg DHA, 50 mg other fatty acids) for cognitive
    2. 3/2013 Swanson Ubiquinol  100 mg (Kaneka QH Enhanced Bioactivity CoQ10) has been switched to Jarrow Ubiquinol QH-absorb100 mg for energy
    3. 6/2014 Donepezil 10 mg for cognitive by Dr. Perez was switched in early March 2016 to Huperzine A 200 mcg at morning and again at afternoon or early evening.
    4. 9/2014 Swanson DMAE 250 mg (dimethylaminoethanol bitartrate) for cognitive
    5. 9/2014 Swanson Acetyl L-Carnitine 500 mg to prevent oxidative damage in brain
    6. 12/20/2014 Matrix 1000 mg Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Plus 150 mg Rose Hips (4, 8) has been switched to one Swanson Acerola 500 mg at breakfast and dinner. I am taking so many pills I had to cut down on vitamin C.
    7. 12/20/2014 Matrix Eaters digest – 130 mg Betaine HCI, 130 mg L-Glutamic acid, 65 mg Amylase, 65 mg Pepsin NF, 32 mg Ox Bile Extract, 32 mg Pancreatin 4X, 32 mg Papain NF has been replaced with Swanson Betaine HCL caps (Betaine hydrochloride 325 mg, Pepsin 1:3000 82 mg) for digestion.
    8. 1/13/15 Swanson Vitamin E 100 – 800 IU daily (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) d-alpha tocopheral plus mixed tocopherols: d-beta, d-delta and d-gamma tocopherol) (8) switched to Swanson Full Spectrum E with Tocotrienols (Irina and Vera and also recommended)
    9. 1/13/15 Swanson Pycnogenol 100 mg (French maritime pine bark extract) daily (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) for cognitive blood flow in brain.
    10. 1/13/15 Eat 1-2 eggs daily to get enough phosphatildylserine but also add Swanson 300 mg phosphatildylserine (from Sharp PS 28D soybean phospholipid in a proprietary mixture of sunflower oil and MCT oil) for cognitive
    11. Swanson Phosphatildyl-choline 420 mg for cognitive
    12. Swanson Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg (Irina Serebryakova recommended for detox)
    13. Swanson AjiPure N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine to help boost production of glutathione. I had been taking this since early November but did not notice I had not included in the list. When they stopped manufacturing it I ordered L-Cysteine instead of NAC from another manufacturer by mistake so next week I will be using L-cysteine and hoping enough gets converted to NAC for glutathione production.
    14. Swanson AjiPure L-Glutamine pharma grade 500 mg (Vera Sacks recommended for mineral/vitamin/amino acid balance) I am supposed to take 3 times a day but only do twice per day.
    15. Swanson AjiPure L-Tyrosine pharma grade 500 mg ( Vera Sacks recommended for mineral/vitamin/amino acid balance) I am supposed to take 3 times a day but only do twice per day.
    16. Swanson Zinc Orotate 10 mg
    17. Swanson Chromium Picolinate 200 mcg
    18. Swanson Vitamin K2 200 mcg to regulate where calcium ends up in body. (My own recommendation)

    Additional supplements for cervical spondylosis, bulging discs and general health needs:
    9/2012 Swanson 1 gram MSM
    9/2012 Swanson Glucosamine-Chondroitin, MSM Glucosomine Sulfate 500 mg, Chondroitin Sulfate 400 mg MSM 200 mg

Afternoon drops and cell salts as prescribed by Vera Sacks.

  1. PM Supplements and Meds history for Steven Chin
  2. 7/2014 Swanson Super DHA from Calamari, (DHA 500 mg EPA 125 mg, 50 mg other Omega 3 Fatty acids) or Swanson Super EPA from ecOmega Fish Oil 300 mg EPA, 200 mg DHA, 50 mg other fatty acids)
  3. 3/2013 Swanson Ubiquinol  100 mg (Kaneka QH Enhanced Bioactivity CoQ10) has been switched to Jarrow Ubiquinol QH-absorb100 mg
  4. 12/20/2014 Matrix 1000 mg Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Plus 150 mg Rose Hips (4, 8) has been switched to two Swanson Acerola 500 mg.
  5. 1/13/15 Swanson Vitamin E 100 – 800 IU daily (From “Awakening From Alzheimers” by Peggy Sarlin) d-alpha tocopheral plus mixed tocopherols: d-beta, d-delta and d-gamma tocopherol) (8) switched to to Swanson Full Spectrum E with Tocotrienols (Irina and Vera and others recommended)
  6. Swanson Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg (Irina Serebryakova recommended for detox)
  7. Swanson L-Glutamine 500 mg (Vera Sacks recommended for mineral/vitamin/amino acid balance) I am supposed to take 3 times a day but only do twice per day.
  8. Swanson AjiPure L-Tyrosine pharma grade 500 mg ( Vera Sacks recommended for mineral/vitamin/amino acid balance) I am supposed to take 3 times a day but only do twice per day.
  9. Desmopressin .1 mg Dr. Rapa for diabetes insipidus at night and .05 mg during day.
  10. Swanson Borage Oil 1000 mg. Supposed to take twice per day but I only do one per day
  11. Swanson Flaxseed Oil 1000 mg. Supposed to take twice per day but I only do one per day
  12. Swanson Selenium 200 mcg
  13. 12/2014 Sleep aid or Swanson 3 mg melatonin before bedtime.
  14. Vera recommends I also take some digestive enzymes and Betaine HCL with meals for better digestion.